For many people, drinking is such an integral part of socializing that it can be difficult to think of things to do on the weekend that do not involve alcohol. While for many people, a weekend night involves a trip to a bar to drink with friends, while others prefer to engage in sober fun. When it comes to having fun while sober, the sky is the limit.
Find a hobby. Once you find something you love, push yourself to be the best you can be at it. Enter competitions or try making money from your hobby. Setting goals to work towards and continually challenging yourself will help keep you motivated.
Explore where you live. Get to know a different side of your city. If you were use to hanging out in clubs and bars, you were missing out on a good portion of what your town has to offer. Go for walks in new neighborhoods, try different restaurants, check out local shops, or attend local events.
Prepare for the day - A helpful tool is to plan out each day and prepare for anything that may arise.
Involve a Friend - Honesty and responsibility are crucial pieces to the recovery process. When participating in activities or outings it can be quite helpful to involve a sober friend, family member, companion or sponsor in these elements.
Get out, Be Active - Physical activity can be a positive and helps the body produce natural rewards. There are many ways to get out and be active, whether it is going to the gym, being involved in athletics, having a picnic at the park, or another summer activity. It is good to involve exercise and being active.
Go all out during the holidays - Get creative when decorating your home for Halloween or go to a corn maze. Volunteer for Santa's Anonymous or go caroling around Christmas. Host a Thanksgiving dinner. Being busy will keep your mind off of drinking during holidays that are usually full of parties and alcohol.
Have a fun night - Have a movie or games night and pig out on junk food (you save a lot of calories when you're not consuming alcohol), go bowling or to comedy clubs, the theater, coffee shops, restaurants, the zoo, museums, art galleries, amusement parks, regular parks or the beach. You can watch car or horse races, go to a concert, baseball game, football game, or hockey game.
The list of things you can do sober is endless. Push yourself to get out of your comfort zone but don't put yourself in a position where you'll be tempted to drink. You'll inevitably be in the same room as alcohols again, just make sure you're ready for it and have people around who can support it.